Help CCAI support China’s orphans like Zhou Yi Ling.
Zhou Yi Ling was a premature baby, born weighing only 3 pounds. She was frail, her lips were colorless and dry, her face was ashen, and she had copious amounts of fluid flowing out of her eyes. Yi Ling’s appetite was poor, and she could only drink 20 ml (about 0.68 oz) of milk at a time. Moreover, after painstakingly feeding her such a tiny amount, she vomited her small meal and had trouble sleeping, crying most of the time.
CCAI’s Lily Orphan Care Center serve orphans like Yi Ling
CCAI’s Lily Orphan Care Center (LOCC) nannies knew that Yi Ling needed extra care and attention to keep her alive and, hopefully, thrive. They recorded her body temperature, milk intake, and daily bowel movements. When it was bedtime, nannies would stay by her bedside and comfort her until she fell asleep. In addition, they took her to a medical professional and learned she had obstructed tear ducts. The nannies lovingly massaged the corners of her eyes daily to keep fluid from building up.
As a result of the nannies’ diligent, nurturing, and thorough care, Yi Ling’s physical condition significantly improved; her face looked chubbier, her eyes became bright and beautiful, and she grew stronger every day. Soon, Zho Ling could lie on a floor mat by herself, grasp toys, and turn over!
Today, Yi Ling loves to laugh and responds to her name with a charming smile. The orphanage staff dotes on her; she has become a very active, intelligent, and precocious toddler! She walks independently and understands more language every day!

You can help support China’s orphans like Yi Ling.
You can help struggling orphans like Yi Ling by supporting CCAI’s LOCC program in China! LOCCs are a powerful force to positively change orphanages and elevate orphan care conditions through leadership development, caretaker training, child-centered care philosophy, management, and upgraded care facilities and equipment. Their child-centered philosophy has helped elevate childcare standards in Chinese orphanages in the past two decades.
Operating LOCCs can be expensive. Please consider helping CCAI maintain a high standard of orphan care by contributing to these life-changing projects. Should you like to specify your donation, you can choose between covering some operational costs of CCAI’s LOCC, sponsoring a child or donating to the general needs of these special children.