Max is a cheerful, lively, and friendly 8-year-old boy in Bulgaria. Compassionate, caring, and sensitive towards others, Max also loves to laugh. Could your family be Max’s adoptive family?
This joyful boy is intellectually and emotionally on track with his peers as his medical needs are primarily physical.
Max is similar to other boys, with his medical needs, mainly physical. He strives to create emotional bonds with people around him, especially with adults he feels close to. In addition, Max is not prone to aggression or self-aggression and does not exhibit irritability or a short temper. Max quickly orientates when there are changes in the environment/situation. He understands the significance of rules and is learning to follow them. Like most eight-year-olds, Max is learning to regulate his emotions and behavior.
Max is chatty, speaks correctly, and likes sharing. He enjoys listening to music, singing, and playing musical games. Max enjoys electronics like tablets or radios. He uses a tablet independently and searches for his favorite songs and videos. Best of all, Max loves to play with other children and enjoys spending time outside.
Max eats independently. He enjoys following daily hygienic rules – washing his hands before eating, using a napkin, brushing his teeth, etc. With appropriate intervention, he has independence and skills.
He uses prepositions for ti and e, places correctly, and has orientation for the season, parts of the day, and days of the week.
Could you be Max’s adoptive family? Please get in touch with our Bulgaria team if you’d like to learn more about sweet Max!
We cannot show any pictures of Max due to privacy restrictions in Bulgaria, however, our Bulgaria team has photographs, video, and information to share with interested families.
CCAI placed its first Bulgarian child in 2015; the program has grown ever since! Like most intercountry adoption programs today, Bulgaria places older children, children with special medical needs, and/or sibling groups. The most significant “need” is for families open to children eight and above and children with medical conditions. In addition, Families open to children with Down syndrome can often be matched in as little as 6-12 months from dossier submission!