Transform lives, one child at a time
The Colombia Host-to-Adopt Program allows older children, typically 10+ years, to live with American families for approximately four weeks over winter or summer. Staying with families helps these children learn everyday social skills, receive an introduction to American culture and English, and experience the meaning of a loving family. In addition, Hosting-to-Adopt is an excellent option for families considering adopting an older child, as it allows them to spend quality time together as a family and get to know one another.
La Casa de la Madre y el Niño in Colombia, one of the largest orphanages in the country, is partnering with CCAI and Project One-Forty-Three (P143) to bring children ages 10+ years from Colombia to be part of the Colombia Host Program.
In 2021, we hosted an 11-year-old boy who was a stranger to us. Years later, we can't imagine life without our middle son, Favian! The journey from hosting to adopting has been an incredible adventure, and we're so glad we took the leap!
Morgan Phaneuf, Adoptive Parent

Why host? Why adopt?
A Desperate Need for Families
Thousands of children in Colombia are eligible for adoption, with the majority aged between 12 and 18 years old. Older children, especially those over five, face diminishing chances of being adopted within Colombia.
A Life-Changing Impact
Children without parents often struggle with low self-esteem, emotional difficulties, and challenges in forming meaningful relationships. They are also more susceptible to violence, exploitation, trafficking, and are five times more likely to commit suicide.
A Chance for a Better Future
Hosting provides children a glimpse of safety, security, and love, giving them hope and increasing their chances of finding a forever family.
How to get started
- Contact P143 to apply and view the photo listing.
- Contact CCAI to get started on our PSV or home study. Early birds get a significant discount!
- Apply for our Colombia adoption program and talk with our team! It’s never to early to get started!
Yes, all of the host children from Colombia are available for adoption. Colombia views this hosting opportunity as a path to permanency through adoption.
- Contact P143 to begin your Host application.
- Consider applying for adoption to CCAI. There are several steps of the adoption process you can get underway before you host a child, and doing so can only help minimize the time between when the host child returns to Colombia. Before you know it, you can welcome them back into your arms!