15-year-old DEI is always smiling! He is very social and loves making new friends. DEI goes to a Christian church on Sundays and has many friends there. He does excellent in school, is very organized with his notebooks, and is motivated – a natural leader! DEI plays soccer and basketball and wants to grow up and play soccer on the national team. This kiddo loves dogs and would be over the moon if a furry friend was part of his forever family! DEI wishes to travel, see new places, and participate in fun activities!
DEI could lose eligibility if a family is not in the process for his adoption by his 16th birthday.
If you are interested in adopting DEI, please reach out to our Colombia team immediately!

Given the numerous children seeking a stable and affectionate home, CCAI initiated its adoption program in Colombia in 2020. The children available for adoption from Colombia generally belong to older age groups and/or exhibit diverse medical requirements. Despite their challenges, these children carry with them their vibrant cultural heritage and personal stories filled with optimism!
Numerous families opting for adoption from Colombia initially engage in hosting programs facilitated by Project One Forty Three. This enables them to establish a bond and spend valuable time with the child or children they intend to adopt before formalizing the adoption proceedings.